Our partner site Lustagenten is a flirt- & dating community, where you can offer your live cam and earn extra money with hot flirt mails!
If you have joined the VXModels world, your flirt- & dating messages will be compensated with 0.10 Euro, if you answer directly and within 7 days to the user's message, the live chat will be compensated as usual.
Create a profile that will be displayed on our partner site. Write with the members and offer there your Live cam to inspire new users for you and increase your sales. The clou: You do not have to register separately. You edit your profile and your mailbox via VXModels. When you go online with VXLive, you will automatically be shown on Lustagenten with your cam (after the profile has been filled out completely and checked by our support.
Please note that you do not mention VISIT-X to a user of Lustagenten!
Here you can create the Flirt & Dating profile.